My website where I blog about my game development, Hallow Games, was originally designed using Adobe Muse a couple years ago, and was in need of redesign to make it easier to read on phones and tablets. The blog on the old site was also on an external host site that was getting all the traffic. The new site, as seen below, has an image slider on the home page of the latest game projects. Contact and social media links are seen along the sidebar of most of the pages, as well as my gaming Twitter feed. The games page now has images for each game, that can be clicked to read more about each project. The blog is now integrated into the website and has sidebar links to sort them by category and date. All the other content was migrated from the old site and image sliders of game screenshots are included on every game page. The contact form was updated as well to function best on all devices.
Hallow Game Homepage
Hallow Games Blog
Hallow Games Portfolio Page
Hallow Game Mobile Home, Blog, and Portfolio pages